Venturing Out With Your Newborn Out for the First Time? Here is Your Diaper Bag Checklist
When you decide to venture out with your baby, you can't dare to forget the essential items such as diapers, wet wipes, bibs, changing pads etc. Stepping out with your little one needs a whole set of things, so much so, that the bag you carry these essentials in, is called your "diaper bag". It is no more just a bag. I for one, don't use any additional purse along with my "diaper bag". I carry one bag that is my diaper bag cum my purse with half section dedicated to my baby's essentials and another half for my own stuff like phone and wallet. So, what should you stock in your diaper bag?
Must Have Items
Lets dig deeper into items that you can't do without when stepping out with your little one.
Let's get down to how many diapers you would need? It depends on the amount of time you are stepping out for. You need one diaper change every 4-5 hours +2 addional diapers (just in case).
Wet Wipes
One pack of wet wipes would suffice. Make sure you get the organic ones. The regular wipes contain a lot of chemicals that can cause rashes.
Changing Mat
In order to lay your baby comfortably to change the diaper as well as to ensure that your baby's body doesn't touch the public surfaces that are ridden with God knows how many germs, you need a changing mat. It should preferably be large in size and waterproof on one side. You can fold it later on. When you come back, you can wash it for the next time use.
Expressed Milk
While you can always breastfeeding your baby even when you step out, carrying expressed/pumped milk can be convenient.
If you have started giving your baby water, it is better to get water in a steel bottle to avoid packaged water for your baby. Packaged water should be avoided anyway as they may contain microplastics.
Extra Clothing
Sometimes there are diaper blowouts and you would need to change your baby's clothes. Have an extra pair of clothing to deal with such situations.
Going out with a baby for the very first time may seem intimidating and would require getting used to. Planning for it in advance certainly helps. Getting your diaper bag ready a night earlier can be all it takes to help you find your peace of mind before venturing out.